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Course Alert
Features Description
This plugin introduces a new notification feature to automatically send custom reminders for courses:
- Login Reminder: user has not begun the course X days after enrolling
- Completion Reminder: user has not completed the course X days after the first access
- Course Closing reminder: user has not completed the course X days before the course end date (if set)
- Course Complete reminder: the user has complete, the notification is used to confirm this
Each reminder can be activated separately for each course.
For each reminder it will be possible to set a standard text or a custom notification text and scheduling.
Cron Job
To allow the system to properly work you need to set up a cron job on your server calling periodically (i.e every 10 minutes) the following URL. If you are on Forma Farm’s infrastructure, you don’t need to do anything.
Reminders activation and settings
The course alert function is available for every course. From the course management page, just click on the new envelope icon to access the configuration panel:

This will open a configuration panel where you’ll be able to:
- Select one or more reminder for each course
- Define to send them by e-mail or by SMS
- Define how many days after or before the “trigger” your reminder should be sent.
- Set a custom notification text

Interval days: this manages how many days after the event the notification will be triggered
Repeat days: this manages how many times the notification will be scheduled. 0 = infinite, until the user is in the same situation.
Reset notifications: this resets the count.
NOTE: to use SMS you’ll need to purchase SMS credit and configure the SMS settings under the general settings of your LMS. SMS messages are subject to a text length limit of 144 chars.
Notification text customization
Writing a custom message
The message field for each notification displays a default text: just click on the text area and start writing to enter a custom text.
Conventional HTML tags can be used for text formatting.
The following dynamic tags are available to customize your Course Alert notification text:
- [user]: will print the name of the user receiving the notification
- [course]: displays the course title
- [days]: displays the number of days as set in the notification settings
Edit the default message
The default text message can be edited through the standard Forma language management features