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Setup and Configuration
Plugin Settings
Notification minutes expire: notification expires if not sent within the amount of minutes set. Note: if set to 0 all notifications will be suspended.
Notification Google Enabled: enable the use of google short URL services
Platform Settings
Some settings are needed on your LMS and on the plugin for the correct functioning of the shortlinks that allow direct access to the LO’s and that are sent together with the notifications:
- Enable Single Sign-On on your platform, from the settings > System settings > Forma API & SSO
2. Insert your Google API Key in the plugin configuration panel
Configuration > Plugin Manager > Lotify - Settings.
If you don’t have an API Key, you can get one here:
Text message (SMS) Service
To enable text message (SMS) notifications, configure your LMS with the credentials of your service provider, under:
Settings > System Configuration > Settings > SMS
Note: Forma Lms is natively configured to work with This feature will be removed in Forma 4.x
Cron Job
You need to set up a cron job on your server, to allow the system to properly work, launching periodically this URL:
Standard notification
The plugin adds a new icon to the Learning Object Management panel:
![standard notification](
Clicking on this icon you are taken to the settings panel where you can control the notifications for every LO:
Notification View Log: from this link you’ll be able to extract a log of the notifications you sent
Notification is Active: enables the sending of the notifications for this LO.
The notifications will be sent upon the publication date you set in the properties of the object itself.
If you didn’t set a date the notifications will be sent upon saving the form.
You can send notification either by e-mail or by SMS (text message to a mobile phone).
Notification Text: insert here the notification text. It’s possible to customize your text with the following placeholders:
[URL]: direct link to the LO, different for every user (see related paragraph)
USERNAME]: userid
[USER_COMPLETE_NAME]: first and last name
[COURSE_NAME]: course name
Send on publish date: the notification will be sent on the day set as “start publishing date” in LO properties
Send on: lets you set the day and time for sending the message
Reset last send date: by selecting this option, upon saving the last send date will be reset. Use this option if you want to re-send the notification to users who have already received it.
The e-mail sender will be the same that you set in the general settings of your LMS for general notifications.
Users that completed the course or the LO will be excluded by the notification
Sending a short url
The short-url inserted in the notification messages with the [URL] tag allows to directly open the object bypassing the login to the LMS and the access to the course. The process happens in a way invisible to the user. Every link is unique for a specific user.
The link generated this way could also be used by other people who are not the user the link has been sent to.
It’s important to:
- tell users not to share the link with other users, in order not to compromise the course stats
- avoid using this method for evaluation tests, since there is a risk users would share the link with other users
- configure the LO properly, for example: make it visible just one time or until it’s completed
Advanced notification
For the TEST objects there is an advanced settings feature that allows you to manage text, planning and recipients of your notifications.
Adding a new notification
1.From “Learning Object Management” panel click on “edit test”:
2. Click on “Notification Management”:
3. Add a new notification:
4. Notification settings:
Scheduling Notifications
Lotify allows for a very flexible scheduling of notifications:
Send every: lets you choose the frequency, from 1 (every day) to 7 (every week)
How many notifications a day: self explanatory, for every sending you have to specify a time
Time: at what time the notification will be sent
Active from – to: You can set your notifications to be sent only from a specific date to a specific date
Exclude Saturdays and Sundays: self – explanatoryReset last send date: resets the last send date, so you can resend your notifications even to users who have already received them
Setting the recipients
When you create a new notification, you can choose if you want to send it:
- To yourself only: useful for testing or to send personal reminders
- All: sends to all users who are enrolled to the course
- Selected: after saving the notification you’ll be able to choose the recipients
This option is only available upon creating a notification. Then you’ll be able to edit it from the users icon:
A User didn’t receive a notification
- Verify that in the user profile there is an active e-mail address and/or a correct mobile phone number
- Check the user status on course and learning object: only users with status “subscribed”, “In progress” or without a completion date will receive the notifications
- Check the plugin setting for “notification minutes expire” is not set to 0 (zero)
- Verify if the notification log has some errors (see paragraph 2.1)
Resend a notification to a user
If a user didn’t receive a notification or has canceled it by mistake, it’s not possible to resend it directly from the system, but you can do as follows:
- Access the notification settings panel (see 2.1 and 2.2)
- Open the notification log. The log lists all the cron call, sorted by time. Look for the notification text you want to resend and copy it. Please find the right user and the right text, because short-urls are personal
- Send the user the text you copied with a direct e-mail or text message
The system asks for a password
If the user is asked for a password after clicking on the shortlink, it might be that the user was set to force the change of password upon first access. In that case, inform the user about how to reset password or give him a new one.
Send Conditions
Notifications are NOT sent in these cases:
- Course is in status canceled, closed or under construction
- User completed the course