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Landing Generator
Plugin Description
The Landing Generator Plugin allows the creation of a custom login and registration page for each course, featuring:
- Dedicated URL
- Add registering users to a specific Org Chart node
- Enroll users to the course
- Choose Standard or Advanced registration, to display either the standard registration form or just the fields associated to the selected node
- Direct login to the course
- Display course and sponsor logo on the login/registration page
- Add custom styles to the page
Global Configuration
The plugin requires the Forma API’s to be enabled and fully configured under
Administator > Settings > General Configuration > API & SSO
Check the official forma documentation for details on the API configuration
Plugins features are available inside the standard menu edit form. Go to
Admin > Elearning > Course
And click to edit your course
Plugin Settings will be available under the tab “course landing”:
- Landing Enabled: activate or deactivate the landing page
- Landing node form enabled: use custom node fields instead of the standard registration form
- Landing node ID: insert the id of the node to be used for user registration and field selection (see note below)
- Unavailable Text: Enter a text to be displayed when the course is closed or unavailable to user
- Landing css: add a stylesheet class for the landing page
- Course landing link: URL of the landing page
- platform registration must be enabled
- to retrieve the node ID go to user management, right click on the “assign users” icon and copy/paste the link url to your notepad. The node id will be the last number in the url, i.e:
Multiple Templates and URL
The landing generator only creates landing pages with the default URL.
But if you simply change the part of your URL before the /index.php and replace it with the desired, different, URL it will also work with your other templates and URL’s.
[Your Platform URL]/index.php?r=lms/courseaccess/show&courseId=1&nodeId=1&no_redirect
Finally, it’s a good idea to use url shorteners
Landing Page Layout
This is an example of how your login/registration page will look like.
If you inserted the course logo it will display on the left, and if you inserted the sponsor it will display on the right.