1. Installation and Configuration
The Forma Lms / Prestashop plugin is actually 2 separate plugins.
One to be installed to Prestashop, one to be installed to Forma Lms.
You can install them in no particular order, but they have to be both fully installed and configured for it to work properly.
1.1 Install the plugin to Prestashop
Login to your Prestashop e-commmerce site as AdmnistratorInstall the “commerce.zip” plugin to Prestashop “modules” section.

After installing it, look for Forma Lms Commerce in the “modules” section

and click on “configure”

You need to provide 2 settings:

Insert the URL of your Forma Lms installation, and choose a code that you will use to link courses between the 2 environments. You can choose any code you like, you will have to use the same code in Forma as a “prefix” to the course code. More on that later.
1.2 Plugin Install to Forma Lms
The plugin is called “formalmscommerce.zip”.
You can install the plugin by uploading the zip package from the menu
Admin > settings > plugin manager

- Select the zip file from your computer and click uplad
- Click “plugin Install”
- Click su “plugin activate”
1.3 Enable the Forma Lms API’s
Go to the administration section, then click on
Settings > system configuration > settings > API and Authentication

- enable the API functionality
- select the radio button “Single code for platform”
- Leave the related field blank
1.4 Plugin Removal
To remove the plugin go to settings > plugin manager and:
- Click “Deactivate”
- Click “Uninstall”
- Click “Plugin Purge”
1.5 Reinstalling and updating the Plugin
To update or reinstall the plugin
- Follow the uninstall procedure
- Go to:
Settings > System Configuration > Advanced > click “Clear Twig Cache”
3. Reinstall it, following the installation instructions
2 Using the Prestashop plugin
2.1 Creating a course and linking it to Prestashop
Create a course in your Forma Lms installation, and use the same prefix that you have chosen in Prestashop

After the prefix, please insert a colon and a unique ID. The resulting code will link the course in Forma to the related product in Prestashop.
For example, formalab:1
2.2 Creating a product in Prestashop and linking it to Forma
In Prestashop, from “Catalogue” go to “Products.
- add new product
- choose “virtual product” and add the name, as well as the same code that you have set in Forma Lms. The prefix plus the unique ID number.
- then complete the configuration just like in the regular Prestashop workflow.
2.3 How to buy a course
Once everything is set up in Prestashop and Forma, you’re ready to start selling courses on your Prestashop e-commerce website.

The user chooses a product, than proceeds to check out.

If the user already has an account, he just pays.
If not, he’ll register a new account and will receive an automatic e-mail with his credentials.
After registering, the user will also be registered to Forma Lms.
If the user pays with credit card, the order status will automatically be “Accepted” and he will automatically be enrolled to the same course in Forma Lms.
If the payment is with wire transfer, you will need of course to manually accept his payment and “update status” in order for the Prestashop to Forma workflow to be closed.